phi4 theory

Quantum Field Theory | Interactions in Quantum Field Theory

Scattering Cross Section - Example Phi to Four Theory

PHI4: Counterexamples and Basic Argument Forms

Simulation of a quench for a Ginzburg-Landau model

Advanced quantum field theory, Lecture 9

O. Antipin, Exact semiclassical results for scaling dimensions of composite operators in phi4 theory

Quantum field theory, Lecture 10

Phi-4 Theory: Interaction picture -2

Configurational Entropy in Finite Temperature Field Theory

Andreas LÄUCHLI - Numerical Hamiltonian truncation approach to the \phi^4 theory in 1+1d and beyond

Let’s Study Quantum Field Theory!

Quantum Field Theory I - Lecture 15

QFTL11V5: Scattering amplitudes in phi^4 and phi^3 theories

How To Count Past Infinity

Testing Microsoft Phi-4 with Pydantic AI | Build a Movie Recommendation Agent

Wilsonian Renormalization - QFT II, Part 23

Feynman Diagrams Continued

QFT2 Lecture 2d: Combinatorics and symmetry factors

Lec. 10 - Relativistic Quantum Field Theory II (summer 2023) · TU Dresden

James Fraser: Rethinking Perturbation Theory (in the 1950s)

Michael Aizenman: Marginal triviality of (...) 4D critical Ising and Phi^4 models (Dec 10, 2020)

Classical Mechanics (UDEA) Classical Field Theory - Phi 4 Field Theories and Solitonic Solutions

Quantum Field Theory in Path Integral Approach 1 (Lecture 01, Part 1)